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The concept

The Four Rooms, as it is often called, is considered by many to be one of the world’s most practical and useful psychological theories– not least in business life. With its models, analytical instruments and tools, the concept makes a difference in all enterprises and organizations – immediately and with all stakeholders involved! Thanks to the Four Rooms’ incredible accessibility, there is no need for complicated implementation procedures or advanced training in several steps. ”It just works!”

It is based on pioneering Swedish research and proven experience. Based on the research results, the originator Claes Janssen, in collaboration with Fyrarummaren AB, has developed a series of very practical and userfriendly analytical instruments and tools that help individuals and organizations to improve productivity, management, self-awareness and change readiness. Thousands of companies now use the Four Rooms in business – in all industries and across all continents.

The tools work in all types of companies and organizations, on individual, group or system level. The instruments are translated into a variety of languages.

The Four Rooms of Change concept consists of:

  • A psychological theory and many pedagogical models connected with it
  • Eight analytical instruments
  • Guides for working with them
  • Tools for everyday use and follow up purposes, for example a magnetic whiteboards, workbooks and flipcharts

By using the instruments it is possible to:

  • Conduct climate research in a new and more efficient way
  • Work with change and business development
  • Increase the quality of the employee interview
  • Develop managers
  • Solve conflicts
  • Get groups and teams to produce better

Please note! Only certified users can use the tools commercially.